Chief Complaint: Chronic Diarrhea, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Facing possible colon resection

Treatment: MRT Food Sensitivity testing & LEAP protocol, GI Mapping, Micronutrient Testing

Outcome: Pt found to have Ulcerative colitis as well as SIBO & H Pylori infection, with iron deficiency. Pt started on the LEAP diet, with Low FODMAP pieces, along with targeted supplements, and educated and how to correct vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Pt now back to a healthy weight, with regular bowel movements, improvement in microbiome diversity, and eradication of H Pylori. No colon resection needed.


Chief Complaint: Reflux with foods and desire to get off of PPIs

Treatment: MRT food sensitivity followed by LEAP protocol

Outcome: Pt discovered problematic foods increasing GERD symptoms,, tapering off of PPIs.

Rhematoid ArthritIS


Chief Complaint: Body Pain & Inflammation, Fatigue

Treatment: MRT food sensitivity testing followed by LEAP protocol

Outcome: Reduction in problematic tightness and inflamed joints, even during winter months, improved movement, sleeping better, weight loss

Chief Complaint: Body pain & inflammation, fatigue

Treatment: MRT food sensitivity testing followed by LEAP protocol

Outcome: Wt loss of 15+ lbs, great reduction in body pain and muscle tightness & water retention

Diabetes & Obesity

Chief Complaint: Wants to avoid diabetes complications, get off of medications, and reduce weight

Treatment: Weight management & behavior change counseling over 3 months, with targeted diabetic education & supplementation, and personalized meal tracking and coaching for two weeks

Outcome: Lowered Lowered A1c to 5.7, low end of pre-diabetic range ( below 5.7 is no longer pre-diabetic), and lost over 30lbs, off of all diabetes medications

Migraines & IBS

Chief Complaint: Monthly migraines & random bouts of diarrhea

Treatment: MRT testing, followed by LEAP diet + targeted supplements

Outcome: No migraines and regular bowel movements

Ulcerative Colitis

Chief Complaint: Multiple loose stools daily with blood and mucous

Treatment: MRT testing, followed by LEAP diet + full R gut healing protocol, daily food log reviews with feedback, micro-nutrient testing and targeted supplements

Outcome: Full UC remission & weaned off all medications for UC, lowered cholesterol 30 points