Nutrition Lab Testing


How We Personlize Your Care


MRT Food Sensitvity

We provide the most accurate food sensitivity testing available. Food sensitivity testing can be a valuable tool for lowering inflammation and discovering problematic foods, especially for our autoimmune population. Results follow a short term diet elimination for healing, followed by guided food reintroductions. This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance. HSA/FSA cards can be used.

MrT Package

Includes 1 hr review of results, followed by simple foods list and simple snacks/meal ideas (blood draw fee not included)

$515, insurance clinic discount may be available

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Genetic Testing

If you have ever wondered what the best diet might be for you, the best form of exercise might be for you, or the supplements that may be helpful for limiting risk of future disease, genetic testing is for you! Keto may be great for your friend but detrimental to your health! Understanding your personal genetics in conjunction with other laboratory markers, signs, and symptoms, can provide a precise path to long term health that works with you! Whether you struggle with chronic disease, inflammation, or stubborn weight, understanding your UNIQUE needs is powerful! This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance. HSA/FSA cards can be used.

Genetic Testing Package:

Genetic Testing via cheek swab

Blue print of results

1 hr review of results with personalized recommendations

30 min f/u to discuss ongoing questions

$499, insurance clinic discount may be available

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Indirect Calorimetry

Are you overeating, or more possibly under eating and still not seeing weight loss or performing poorly in athletics? Many things can interfere with your metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn calories. Indirect calorimetry can help us pinpoint your exact calorie burn at rest to enable you to find the correct formula for weight loss or optimal athletic performance! This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance.

HSA/FSA cards can be used.

Indirect Calorimetry Testing

30 Min Session with Initial Testing, followed by Personalized Recommendations on Calorie needs and Macronutrient Needs



GI Mapping

Stool testing examines bacterial contents, digestive insufficiency, parasites, and more. Investigating your microbiome and digestive function that can provide invaluable insight and aid in the healing process. This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance. HSA/FSA card accepted.

Gi Map Package

Include stool test, complete analysis of results and personalized recommendations.

$539, insurance clinic discount may be available

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

How is your food intake effecting your blood sugar? When blood sugar is high, so is insulin, making it challenging to lose weight. Blood sugar control is also important in the management of diabetes as well as the reversal of prediabetes.

Not covered by insurance. HSA/FSA cards accepted.

CGM Package

$ 80 per CGM, 10 day wear applied in office

*Best combined with an RD consultation to aid in interpretation of data. Clinic visits may be covered by your insurance.


Hormone Testing

Hormone and cortisol balance are fundamental in feeling well and maintaining a healthy body weight. The DUTCH hormone test is the most effective way of measuring hormone changes with aging. This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance . HSA/FSA cards accepted. Price varies on different DUTCH testing.


OATS Testing

Organic acid testing can be a valuable tool in assessing for candida, mold exposure, gut dysbiosis, vitamin/mineral status and neurotransmitter status. This testing is considered elective and not covered by insurance. HSA/FSA cards accepted.


Includes urine test, complete analysis of results and personalized recommendations.

$430, insurance clinic discount may be available